Continuing our series of DIY backpacks, in response to a bunch of your questions, we bring you the studded backpack! Also see the DIY Lip Print backpack and DIY Anchor Print backpack that I previously posted. What's great about all these DIY techniques is you can use them on clothing and accessories beyond backpacks! Stud your jackets, purses, shirts, jeans, shorts, etc! You can never have too many backpack DIYs! If you're headed back to school, then get AHEAD on the BACKpack trend!

- studs - get them from places like
- backpack - like this inexpensive striped one
- butter knife or flat head screw driver

- plan the layout of your studs on your backpack, I chose to use the stripes as inspiration and placed the studs along the lines.
- push the studs through the fabric into place and close the prongs on the underside of the fabric with the butter knife. repeat until you've gotten your desired studded look!
- top: urban outfitters
- shorts: zara
- jewelry: Mr. Kate Mummy snake bangle , Flat vertebrae bangle, Buried treasure ring, and Vertebrae ring!