Cowabunga dude! I like comical clothing and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle tank top with fringe is rather hilar. I actually didn't DIY this shirt but it is sooo DIYable to cut fringe like this in a long shirt: by just cutting strips with a scissor and then stretching the strips so they curl and get stringy - much like the technique used to make the t-shirt scarf. Pairing the Ninja Turtle shirt with a vintage Native American necklace from my grandma seemed even more ironic and delighted me on this OOTD day. I colorblocked the rest of the outfit, based off some hints of color from the shirt and 'holy Michelangelo, I'm dressed!'

- top: Forever 21
- pants: ASOS Petite
- shoes: Messeca
- jewelry: Mr. Kate Worm Cuff, Seahorse Bangle, Creon Ring, Seahorse Ring, and Buried Treasure Ring!