i tweeted today and asked what i should blog about and a couple peeps on FB recommended that i do a post about Halloween costumes that are easy and on the cheap. my favorite kind of costumes are the ones that have a funny idea behind them and aren't immediately obvious, more of a conversation piece. below are the sketches of some of my favorite ideas...

a Figure Of Speech. i wore this costume a few years ago. i dressed statuesque, in light colors and with white make-up etc. (think a greek statue) and then wrote well known figures of speech on pieces of ribbon and pinned them to my outfit. you can use an old dress and write directly on it or pin them on like i did. it's pretty easy to explain by letting people read the sayings and just striking a statue pose and saying "i'm a figure of speech."
a Dust Bunny. this is my current favorite and i think i will probably be this, if i decide to dress up this Halloween... still debating. you know, those balls of dust that end up under things you never clean and they're called dust bunnies? well to be a real-life play on this, i would dress in a light-colored puffed sleeve top and puffy skirt. diy bunny ears with a headband, wire and shreds of fabric. more shreds of fabric in a ball to make a bunny tail. then just smudge your face and clothes up with dirt, shred some cotton balls and stick pieces of cotton on you and your outfit (to look like dust balls), then add a little bunny nose make-up and you're a little cute dirty dust bunny!
i'm Clean Coal. love this idea too. i would go 50's style like nuclear mom, all clean cut (vintage dress or one you don't mind sacrificing to a sweet costume). then buy a bag of charcoal and hot glue or loop stitch some small pieces of charcoal onto the skirt of the dress. to keep car seats clean and the coal in place you could probably wrap some saran wrap or dry cleaning bag over the skirt. then some coal mining boots, a feather duster and bucket as a purse should finish the look. oooo, so current!
a Butter Face.... okay, i know, not the best term, but it's fun to take something like this term that guys sometimes use about girls ("she's a Butter Face, everything's hot, but 'er face.") and make a joke of it. this is a really easy costume. just dress in a hot sexy outfit, then take a plain paper bag, cut out eye holes and write "mmm. butter" on it.
a Drill Baby. so this isn't so current, because Sarah Palin is kinda past her prime with her favorite term "drill baby, drill", but it's still funny and really easy. just dress like a baby, cloth diaper, little t-shirt, pacifier, cheap bib that you write "drill baby drill" on in sharpie, maybe a rattle necklace and a drill. funny, cheap and easy!
a Fashion DO in the front and a DON'T in the back. this is reaaaally easy from your closet. grab a cute t-shirt and skirt and tights outfit, shoes, necklaces, etc. and make the hair around your face cute and flattering. then in the back, tuck your skirt in your undies (granny panties preferred), tuck your shirt in your bra strap, put some melted chocolate on the back of your tights or make runs all over the back (although runs are kinda cute), then put the rest of your hair in a scrunchie (do they still sell those?)
some of my couple costumes ideas are: 1. A Midlife Crisis Couple - just dress tragically (guy with a ponytail and earrings and girl in a tragic revealing outfit and way too much make-up, overdrawn lipstick, etc.) 2. Milk n' Cookies - i did this one year with my boyfriend in college, i dressed as Mrs. Field and he was a Milkman. 3. Dickheads - wear obnoxious outfits (that dickheads would wear) then buy two bald caps or as close to flesh colored swim caps and draw a line in the middle and make them look as close to a, ahem, dickhead as possible, haa!
Hope you all like and find these helpful and please comment and let me know your past or present favorite Halloween costumes!