wax lips and green monsters
my day yesterday consisted of waking up to a Green Monster, then a west coast road trip from LA to Vegas where we stopped at...
sir shrink-a-lot
A discussion on therapy. I was having a chat this morning with some important people (my bf's parents), about therapy and about how I go...
stairclimber to heaven
this weekend's project: BEFORE and AFTER of the 3rd room in our place, fondly known as the gym/guest-room/room with a huge closet that I keep...
narcissistic sundays part deux
yes, i did it again... took pics of myself in the mirror for narcissistic sunday! i was in the mood for something 40's/50's with a...
three to party me padre
My dad's birthday was yesterday. joey and i went over to his house for a cory (wonderful chef) cooked meal of burrata and heirloom tomato...
orange you glad you like turquoise?
A tour of my home. We (me, joey, winston(cat) and roxanne(cat)) moved into this 3 bed 2 bath place in April and then spent a...
way back east
Flea market bought brass shark's tooth on brass wire with one of my "Happy Wrinkles" face pendants (coming soon), my mini Screw You in rose...
avenue C a.p.t.
My precious little sister Tess moved to New York last year to go to NYU and she just moved into a new apartment in NYC's...