DIY artist paint floral nail art
Treat your nails like tiny canvases! I love the look of hand painted flowers, anything that looks organic and "sketched" really tickles my fancy. This...
don't take yourself too seriously, but seriously, but like, not that seriously
Lately, I've been thinking about success, and what is means to have ambition but balance that "don't take yourself too seriously" thing while also doing...
moodboarding with mr. kate at create and cultivate
This past Saturday, I led a "Moodbarding with Mr. Kate" workshop at Create and Cultivate which is an annual inspiration and networking event put on...
OOTD: vintage polka dot dress
Ready for a monday adventure! This is the dress I wore at the end of the DIY Travel Vanity video which I paired with a...
OOTD: turquoise and mint
If you look at a color wheel, there are opposite colors and analogous colors. Opposite colors are just that; opposite to each other on the...
hairstyles for greasy and grungy hair
Zoe asks: Howdy Mr. Kate!! So, I am going to be going on a mission trip here pretty soon, and I am not necessarily guarenteed...
styling: platform sneakers
I realize platform sneakers, wedge sneakers, etc. were all the rage last year. But you know what happens? You like a trend, you buy into...
OOTD: saggy pants
Sag is not bad! Just read How To Get That Saggy Boob Look and you'll know what I mean. I've worn my fair share of...
honestly mom - love, drugs and brown blood
me (age 8) and my mom in France I'd say the greatest gift my mom gave me was her honesty. Let it be known that...