Dorm Room/Small Bedroom Decor, 3 Ways

Posted by MrKate on

Whether you're headed off to college for the first time, a returning student, or just renting a space that happens to have a very dorm-like (read: no installations, painting, or drilling allowed) vibe, the stark, white barrenness of it all can be baffling. How do you turn this human-sized shoe box into a welcoming and well-designed space?

With some DIY decor magic, obviously! In the video above, I transform one basic dorm-like space into three different homey habitats — a dreamy boho dwelling, a modern, graphic layout, and a exuberant, feminine palace. While it may take you a bit longer than 2 minutes to put together one room, you can still use the inspiration (and shoppable pieces!) to make your room every bit as creative and cool as you are.

MrKate_Dorm_Blog (1 of 14)

Room 1: Neutral Bohemian

MrKate_Dorm_Blog (2 of 14)

A lot go boho-inspired rooms go heavy on the color, but for this little dorm space, I swapped out rich hues and tones for a multitude of textures and global elements, all in a neutral color palette with brass/gold toned metal accents. The resulting decor gives off the air of adventure, cozy comfort, and a tenant with unique style.MrKate_Dorm_Blog (3 of 14)MrKate_Dorm_Blog (10 of 14)

Layering pillows along the wall turns a normal bed into an inviting day-bed, when your bed has to double as your couch! And, is that a DIY Phases of the Moon Pendant I see? Yes, it is!

MrKate_Dorm_Blog (8 of 14)

Shop the Bohemian Room:

Room 2: Modern EclecticMrKate_Dorm_Blog (4 of 14)

Whereas the boho room was made complete with its lush textures, this modern space thrives on angles, lines, patterns and and geometric accents. Keeping the color family in a gender neutral blue, green, black, and white area lets the considered coordination of the decor show itself off. Each piece is balanced off its surroundings but there's a great mix of design eras in this space, giving the entire room a thoughtful appearance. If this room isn't the place to chill in-between classes or shifts at work, I don't know what is!

MrKate_Dorm_Blog (11 of 14)

Notice how the lamps are of two totally different styles but work together to create an eclectic look. The black washi tape holding up the black and white photos on the walls brings in a graphic moment. And, check out how to make this DIY Geometric Wall Storage Pocket!

MrKate_Dorm_Blog (5 of 14) MrKate_Dorm_Blog (12 of 14)

Shop the Modern, Unisex Room:

Room 3: Colorblocked Fun MrKate_Dorm_Blog (6 of 14)

This third room went a more traditional "dorm" route, with lots of bright colors, lively patterns, and the super true way of putting the "fun in functional." What this room's decor really emphasizes, which most dorms and rental homes don't, is height. Hanging a copper pipe off of which to hang a makeshift headboard, using a roll of wrapping paper like a wallpaper panel, and incorporating this DIY Copper Pipe Ladder, brings the eye up to emphasize the vertical planes of the space.

MrKate_Dorm_Blog (13 of 14) MrKate_Dorm_Blog (7 of 14)MrKate_Dorm_Blog (14 of 14)

Shop the Fun, Colorblocked Room:

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