To say I'm a shoe horse might be a little bit of an understatement. I'm more of a shoe Clydesdale, if we're being honest. But hey, every girl has got her vices, and at least mine lead to inspiration for some super cool DIYs! The second I saw these pointed toe loafers, I immediately picked up on the prominent toe section and how great it would look painted in a bold color. And what's more bold than shiny, shiny gold? Add on some tassels for a little movement and flair and I transformed these cute and preppy shoes into masterpieces even Dorothy of Oz would be dying to get her hands on.

Prep It:
Loafers Faux gold leaf paint Leather E-6oo Glue Scissors Painting tape Paintbrush
Do It!:
- Start by taping off the area you want to paint gold. Make sure to tape as tightly to the area that you are going to paint as possible. Depending on the material of your shoe, by considerate of the fact that paint bleeds on some fabrics.
- Now, dip the paintbrush into your pot of gold and get painting! I would do one coat, let it dry, and then do a second. No need to seal it! The paint is oil-based so it will hold up against weather.
- While your paint is drying, it's time to make the tassels! Cut your leather into two 6 inch x 1/2 inch strips and four 2/12 inch squares. Paint both sides of the pieces.
- Once your leather pieces are dry, cut fringy strips, making your slices about 3/4 of the way up the squares. Now glue the end of the strip into one corner of the square piece so the tail hangs down with the fringe. Glue along the top of the square and roll tightly. Hold in place for a few minutes until glue dries. Repeat this process with the other end and then the second strip, creating your tassels.
- Once you're sure the paint is dry on the shoes, carefully remove the tape. String the tassels through a strap on the shoe, or if the shoe doesn't have any, glue them in place!