Not to throw proverbs at you, but you can't have a rainbow without the rain.
Taking the message of these words to heart (but also to the art supply store), I came up with this idea to give Jessie Paege's dining room a wall with literal rainbow rain. A colorful paint drip statement wall!
I believe with every paint color in my vast collection that the best statement walls don't require formal painting skills, only an enthusiastic sense of adventure. It was a ton of fun to don our paint suits (optional, but do plan to get messy!), and make a one-of-a-kind wall with as many hilarious memories behind it as opportunities to set the stage for splashy selfies and dreamy dinner parties ahead of it.

Prep It:
Pastel pink wall paint Pastel orange wall paint Pastel yellow wall paint Pastel green wall paint Pastel blue wall paint Pastel purple wall paint Water Syringes Painters tape Drop cloth Optional: Paint trays, hair dryer

Do It!:
- In separate containers, mix together 2 parts paint to 1 part water for each of the colors. Fill 3-4 syringes with each color of the paint/ water mixtures.
- Tape off the edges of the wall you are going to send your drips down. I also recommend laying a drop cloth down on the floor! This will help in preventing any ambitious drips and in taking the stress out of any mess happening around the work station. This is, by nature, a little messier of a project. Be prepared!
- If you're working alone, start with one color, and use the syringe to squirt a little paint down the wall. Your first few drips are a good time to test and play around with different amounts of paint. This wall looks best with a lot of variety, so switch it up!
- Whether someone else is starting with a different color as the same time as you, or it's time to move onto your next color, choose an analogous shade (i.e. neighbors in the rainbow) so if the drips run together and blend, they won't mix brown.
- The water you added to the mixture was to keep the paint runny, but stop every once in a while to shake your syringes so there isn't paint clogging in the tip! No (unintentional) color explosions here!
- Pro tip: To keep some of the drips a little shorter, you can use a hair dryer to dry them quickly and keep them in place.
- When the paint drips have dried, remove the tape from the edges of the wall and enjoy!