DIY Faux-Marble Surfboard
Unless you're surfing on the clouds of Mount Olympus (and you've found a way to contradict all laws of gravity), chances are you've never met...
DIY Starburst Tree Topper
Though the holiday of Christmas and its many traditions are centuries old, there is one decorative tradition that I loved so much, I wish I...
The Black Friday Sale Is On!
It's Black Friday! Which only means one thing ... no, not mashed potato and pumpkin pie hangovers ... shopping! This year, we're making bling the...
Vegan Autumn Nourish Bowls
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Aside from the (amazing!) food, it's the feeling the holiday gives and the people you share...
Declutter Your Shower: DIY Shampoo Bottles
In the recent process of renovation, I was very insistent that our completed master bathroom be zen above all else. Details from the tiles to...
OMG We Bought A House: Master Bathroom Reveal!
Renovating the kitchen and bathroom has been quite the journey, I think it's time to decompress by taking a long, hot shower. Luckily, now that...
DIY Budget Cabinet Makeover
If you're renovating a kitchen, chances are a big part of that makeover will involve the cabinets. While essential for storage, these features tend to...
DIY Fabric Backdrops
As a YouTuber, but also an obsessive Snapchatter (follow me: MrKate!), and occasional selfie-taker, I know the importance of a good background. So, when I...
DIY Custom Palm Reading Art
It's been a few decades since the saying "talk to the hand" was popular ... nowadays, it's the hands that are doing most of the...