
Peanut Butter Protein Bites

Peanut Butter Protein Bites

Hi again! I am so happy to be back sharing another delicious plant-based recipe with all of you! The main ingredient in today’s post is...

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Mirror, Mirror DIY Valentine's Day Card

Mirror, Mirror DIY Valentine's Day Card

Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day, Galentine's Day, or 75% all candy on February 15th, you can't deny, this time of year is all about spreading...

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DIY Beauty Oasis Bathroom Makeover

DIY Beauty Oasis Bathroom Makeover

Show of hands — who has ever found themselves shoving their beauty essentials into a zip-top baggie with the intention of making themselves up at...

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Let's Get Physical: Fitness Tracker Review

Let's Get Physical: Fitness Tracker Review

As my fitness tracking bracelet became a prominent feature in my life, so too did it start to make regular appearances in my Snapchats, Instagrams,...

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Fashion Risk: The Color Nude

Fashion Risk: The Color Nude

For today's fashion risk, I'm taking a cue from the great Lady Godiva. That's right, I'm going NUDE! Okay, so maybe that was a little...

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Best Places Ever: Bahamas House Tour

Best Places Ever: Bahamas House Tour

My vacation in the Bahamas, as incredibly fun and full of adventure as it was, presented me with a conundrum I'd never encountered before. The...

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Upcycl'd: DIY Wide Striped Wicker Bookshelf

Upcycl'd: DIY Wide Striped Wicker Bookshelf

Introducing: Upcycl'd! I'm so excited about Upcycl'd, our first new series of 2016. It's all about being generous with that refreshing spirit, and giving new...

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Beauty Tutorial: Not Your Mother's Neutrals

Beauty Tutorial: Not Your Mother's Neutrals

Wearing neutral makeup is by no means a new concept. It's a well-loved, and often-utilized trick by beauty bloggers, Kardashian-Jenners, and pretty much everyone with...

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DIY Large-Scale Instagram Wall Art

DIY Large-Scale Instagram Wall Art

Put those glasses back on! Your prescription's fine, you're not seeing double. What you're seeing is me with the ever-lovely Peyton List, who I met...

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